Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Báthory Erzsébet.

Two days ago I decided after completing half of an essay that I had had enough and I wanted to get out of my house. I had toyed with the idea of going to see Om and Sunn O))) for a good few months, but never really finalized my plan. My God, I am so, so fucking glad that I did. I have genuinely never witnessed anything like it in my entire life. It was so loud that I thought my voice box was going to explode. The whole audience was in a trance like state, it's something that I truly cannot describe to you, you'll have to go see them yourself, which I absolutely URGE you to do.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009


The Creature 'Hesh Law' premieres are coming up this week, some have happened and the London viewing is Thursday, I can't go to it myself due to playing a show with Sex Vid that day (I'm kind of bummed about this but I shouldn't be, oops) but people should check it out where they can, if Black Metal is anything to go by this will be a rager.


I'm pretty miffed as to why i haven't made a Bruce Springsteen post yet, I would of thought it'd be something I'd of done a long time ago, apparently not. Back in July I was lucky enough to go see Springsteen in Hyde Park, managed to get tickets at the box office on the day, even with it being sold out for a few months before the date itself. I was abso-fucking-lutlely blown away on so many levels. weeks before his 60th birthday he had more stamina than a lot of punk/hardcore bands that I have seen, easily one of the best live shows I have been lucky enough. E Street band played flawlessly, I can't fault it in the way. I drank far too much cider and on the way home ate 2 double cheeseburgers, nearly killed myself trying to hop a bush and took a piss on Bond Street. I fucking hate cider, but there was no other choice but to drink it.

Basically, the point of this post is to say that Springsteen is fucking incredible, he writes perfect songs with great lyrics. A lot of bands that you may not even thing do owe a lot to this man. I implore you to please give him a try, if you haven't already.

get started...



Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Monday, 5 October 2009

Doing horribly at updating this, I'm refusing to let it die so I'm going to try and do something off the top of my head with no real direction. Insect Warfare went well, we played mediocre but fun was definitely had by all. Spoonful of Vicodin are incredibly nice guys, we'll be keeping in contact with them. I would post up a link to their 7" but they need the support, so if you want to get hold of their stuff then give Sam at Keep Screaming Records a message here. While you are at it check out the release they are on This Comp Kills Fascists, pretty easy to get hold of/steal whatever, I'm sure a lot of people will have this already.

  1. Agents of Satan - "Joe Ryder (Doomryder)"
  2. Agents of Satan - "Rape 'em All and let God Sort 'em Out
  3. Agents of Satan - "Skrote Skin Mask"
  4. Agents of Satan - "Kill for Baloff"
  5. Weekend Nachos - "Prioritize"
  6. Weekend Nachos - "If You Come Near"
  7. Weekend Nachos - "Scars"
  8. Weekend Nachos - "Worthless Words"
  9. Kill The Client - "False Flag Attack"
  10. Kill The Client - "Triple Six Bastard"
  11. Kill The Client - "Shithouse Lawyer"
  12. Spoonful Of Vicodin - "Totally Brutal News Exposure"
  13. Spoonful Of Vicodin - "Designer Track Marks"
  14. Spoonful Of Vicodin - "I Don't Lift Weights or Drive an SUV (Because I'm Comfy with My Genitalia)"
  15. Spoonful Of Vicodin - "Put That in Your Pipe and Smoke It"
  16. Spoonful Of Vicodin - "Our Explanations are Longer than Our Songs"
  17. Spoonful Of Vicodin - "Confession Booth Gloryhole"
  18. Maruta - "Behind the Steel Curtain"
  19. Maruta - "Chemical Tomb"
  20. Insect Warfare - "Information Economy"
  21. Insect Warfare - "Cellgraft"
  22. Insect Warfare - "Disassembler"
  23. Insect Warfare - "Career of Oppression"
  24. Shitstorm - "Paranoid Existence"
  25. Shitstorm - "Burning Alive"
  26. Shitstorm - "Brainwashed"
  27. Shitstorm - "Victim"
  28. Shitstorm - "Controlling"
  29. Shitstorm - "Mince Meat Human"
  30. Man Will Destroy Himself - "Fuse"
  31. Man Will Destroy Himself - "Empty"
  32. Total Fucking Destruction - "Human is the Bastard"
  33. Total Fucking Destruction - "In the Process of Connecting Thinking Errors"
  34. Total Fucking Destruction - "Welcome to the Fascist Corporate Wastelands of America Part One"
  35. Chainsaw to the Face - "Hating Life"
  36. Chainsaw to the Face - "Skewered"
  37. Chainsaw to the Face - "Burnt to Death"
  38. Chainsaw to the Face - "Ripped in Half"
  39. Magrudergrind - "Inevitable Progression"
  40. Magrudergrind - "Heavy Bombing"
  41. Magrudergrind - "Burden"
  42. Brutal Truth - "Forever in a Daze"
  43. Brutal Truth - "You Should Know Better"
  44. Brutal Truth - "Dogs of War"
  45. Brutal Truth - "Turmoil"
  46. A.S.R.A - "Chytridiomycosis"
  47. A.S.R.A - "Cancer"
  48. A.S.R.A - "Pig Squealer"
  49. Wasteoid - "Drink in Hand"
  50. Wasteoid - "Bangover"
  51. Wasteoid - "Hancuffed and Fucked"
Download here.

Until The Night Takes Us opens at Raindance film festival on the 7th October (this Thursday), it looks interesting, I don't think I will go, but I probably should.

I have tickets for Slayer on 25th November, only the second time I've seen them and the first time was in 2002, I know, it's fucking criminal, but I've slept on it so fuck off.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Where have I been?

So I haven't updated this in a very long time due to moving into my new place. We get it set up on Saturday I think so I'll be on this a lot better in the future. All I have to post at the moment is this...

The prospect of this is scaring me so much, Sex Dungeon playing with INSECT WARFARE. I'd post an album or split or something up but currently I am sat in Rough Trade and don't have the patience, I have a massive headache.

If you want the first SD demo, then you can download it here.

We are recording tomorrow for a tape that we will have at all upcoming shows, as well as some patches of a fucking wolf being crucified, that's pretty cool I think.

As I said, I'll try and get on this better when the internet is sorted.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

This photo is brilliant.

Friday, 4 September 2009

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

I haven't updated this in a while. Been busy I suppose, but not really.
Played in Hull yesterday to about 0 people, but we got given a lot of free booze and a floor to sleep on so we were cool. We listened to the whole of Dopesmoker on the way up there, a cosmic journey was had. Today I feel like human mess.

A couple of photo's from when I went to my friend Louis' BBQ about a month back...

Above is hands down the best thing I have ever accomplished. Ever.

Listen to Electric Wizard

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Nothing to report, I feel really on edge today.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Back to Kent...

So I've finally moved out of my old flat on Bethnal Green Road, as much as at the beginning we all loved it, I hate the place now. It's like living on the sun inside an oven thats being fucked by a volcano. Now I find myself in Kent for just under 3 weeks with no money and nothing to do, I can't imagine this being very excited. I can't even move in my tiny room here due to my clutter being absolutely everywhere, it's going to be odd sleeping in a single bed for a long period of time also. However, I had waiting for me when i arrived home the Travis Millard print that I have mentioned before, and it's much more impressive in real life. Anyway, music I guess...


I remember first hearing about DS-13 from Sweden when a a short lived but real fucking goodband called The Outpatients played a cover of them. I decided to check them out and they have proved to be one of my favourite thrash punk/fastcore bands to date. If you like hardcore punk in any way, you will love this. Download here.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

gnar buttery.

This weekend has been my favourite weekend for a very long time, Laura came and visited me away from the valleys and castles and wizards and shit and stayed from Friday until Monday, needless to say that was absolutely awesome, what a good human being. She got me this too which is absolutely sick...

Hat by French, rad.

I'm all packed up ready for the move back home for a brief period of time, then back up to London in September, I'm going to miss it, but I'm sure I'll be up and down a fair bit. The new place is amazing, I'll get photo's of the motherfucker when I move in and put them up here I guess.

Sex Dungeon playing Hull on August 31st, if anyone from near there reads this, which I doubt, come say hello and party.

Friday, 14 August 2009


is definitely a very very good day.


This has been getting a lot of plays as of recent. Dark, brooding and atmospheric black metal. I feel like I'm riding through a forest on a horse that is on fire when I listen to this. Download here.

1. Fading
2. Summoning the Rain
3. Glare of Autumn
4. Sunwheel
5. Wind of the Night Forests
6. The First Snow

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

I have a killer headache, but I had a fun time last night. Sam Swift is a dickhead but also a really good human being. I've decided that I fucking hate a lot of people round here too, pure moron.



The likelihood is that to most of you this is nothing new and me posting this is a bit of a given, but I thought I would put it up anyway to stress how absolutely incredible this record is. Without sounding like too much of a moron, I feel this is one of the most passionate and beautiful records I have ever heard. I urge you to download this if you don't have it already. I'd even go as far to say that it's essential listening material for anyone one with a good taste in music.

1. Raid aereo sul paese delle farfalle
2. Metempsicosi del fine ultimo: Nevrastenica oscillazione fra poli estremi
3. Notte dei cristalli a Rue des Trois Trères
4. Ciò che non siamo ciò che non vogliamo
5. Il destino di un ombrello
6. Merce Cunningham
7 Super Omega
8. Uncaged
9. La fine non è la fine

This is happening tomorrow in Clarkenwell, should be pretty interesting.

Check out some of Jay Croft's work and other various activities here.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Still incredible, and still one of the best things I have ever seen.

I literally cannot wait to see them again.

Monday, 10 August 2009

This Bike is a Pipebomb - Front Seat Solidarity

I can't be bothered to describe it, just download, because it's cool.

1. This Is What I Want
2. Selma
3. Body Count
4. Trains and Cops
5. Mouseteeth
6. A Hundred Dollars
7. Depression
8. The Argument
9. Drunk Punk
10. Hot Diggety
11. Grampa
12. Board of Tourism
13. We Shall Not Be Moved
14. Forgotton Not Gone

Back in the big smoke...

So I returned from back in Kent today. Not much to report, part from loads of old CDs I found, and I thought it was only fair I posted up these...

Haven't met too many people who have either of these, pretty tight, distro's used to be awesome didn't they? I thought I had lost the AFI EP, it was a releif to find it.

This is a pretty boring post, sorry.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Photo's from a good 2 years ago...

I feel really sick today.

I would really like this for my new room...

check out Travis Millard's work here.

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Hatred Surge - Deconstruct

I have listened to this almost every day since getting it. Best stuff to date I feel.

01 Deconstruct Pt. 1
02 Weightless
03 Draw The Curtains
04 Skull Cell
05 Dark Circles
06 The Slithering
07 Outsider
08 Rotten To Forgotten
09 Maladjusted
10 Decontruct Pt. 2
11 Out Of Balance
12 Feeding
13 Big Smile
14 Sleep Terrorizer
15 Lethal Pedigree
16 I Hate Infinity

Today is...

...and not much else.

Friday, 7 August 2009


Back in Kent for a few days. Worst hangover of my entire life. Last night I got home and I could not work out how to use my keys, so I settled down to sleep outside my door in the communal bit of my flat, then mother lets me in, calls me a twat then sends me to bed. I had to wake up at 7.30 this morning and go work for my grandmother, I was definitely still drunk. Even my hair gets hungover.

So the first initial thing I purchased for the flat has come through, my Super Nintendo, most importantly though, it came with this game...

Really excited about getting this set up/getting more games, I'm going to beat the shit out of everyone.

I can't believe Shake Junt.

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Wednesday, 5 August 2009


So I've decided to start posting on this again. I've been really lazy with it due to not having much interesting to say. Too much has happened for me to list off but I can tell you it's been awesome. About to move into a new flat, we have a potential at the moment and it's on to a winner. Thus far, this is what I've decided I will need for said flat/my new improved life to go with the flat...

There are more that I can't think of right now. I am also 100% investing in a camera I PROMISE. Making this blog wothwhile. In the meantime have this...

My year and a half old Authentics have now completely eaten shit, replaced with a pair of 106's...

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Last night restored my faith in everything awesome. We went to the Fucked Up warehouse party, ad they only played 2 of their own songs, the rest were covers, including Cro-Mags and Pennywise, awesome-o. Mob Rules were easily the best band though, they were fucking incredible, if you haven't checked them out I fucking urge you to, honestly. I was being very cheeky yesterday, I apologise for anyone I was around, I drank a little bit. Sex Dungeon practiced today, we are getting a lot tighter and I remember ALL the songs now, which is a plus right?

I wish girls like this talked to me, that would be the dream.

stay tuned motherfuckers.

Friday, 6 March 2009

The other day I purchased this, I got over excited and thought spending money was a good idea...

Gatefold double 12", very lovely.

In other news I have been on a mad detox, a load of green tea and salad, I feel like a girl. Today I purchased a green tea in a bottle that had a hint of honey, it tasted like what I'd imagine a plants urine to smell like if a plant urinated. Also, those crisps with all those ridiculous flavours fucking suck too, I have had a terrible food and drink day.

If you are in Kent or can get to Kent, please check out my friends show, it'll be a monster.

Rot In Hell hate the south, so you should go because that's cool.

I'm annoyed I slept on Bon Iver too, the album is good, I don't know why I refused to accept that.

Mob Rules are playing a warehouse in Elephant and Castle on saturday, along with Fucked Up. They play too much for their own good in this country, it's starting to get fairly boring, but it should be fun regardless.

Hail Satan.

Friday, 27 February 2009

hello friends.

So I haven't updated in a very long time, which is fairly annoying but I've been pretty busy recently doing other things. My "DJ set" on the 19th was really fun and I want to repeat, so if anyone actually reads this and wants me to press play a whole load of times at a party or whatever then get in contact.

I really need a camera or something because this blog has got fucking boring now, I'm even bored of updating it...

Sunday, 8 February 2009

week is weak.

Nothing to report, few parties, being on television, blah blah blah. Happy Waitungi day everyone, take it sleezy. I'll update again when I have something worthwhile to say, which will be a while.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

theres... something on the wing...

So tonight I am going to be on Richard & Judy, chilling with William Shatner drinking free wine in the green room, it's on Watch or something like that at 6pm, this will be really really funny.


So it wasn't on yesterday and it asn't with William Shatner, instead its on today (thursday) at 6pm on watch with Coolio, Ronnie Corbett and member so of the Obama family which is even better.

Monday, 2 February 2009

snowed a lot in london today

I thought I was going to lose my toes, but JME did this...

weekend has been incredible, my body is a temple. I'll be posting photo's after they emerge from both the Hackney party and Throats.

Saturday, 31 January 2009

I'll meet you in the sky

This is incredible. FOX news tried to slam this as being "vulgar" and "racist", but everyone lnows they are all bigots and liars and general blemishes on human existence. FUCK YOU BILL O'REILLY.

purple drank

I have only just become aware of Purple Drank, it's been around for a few years and it sends "niggas flying", it's pretty big in the states with the southern rap movement etc. Apparently Lil Wayne has become addicted to it, so thats pretty cool I guess.

'In addition to its popularization in the music of DJ Screw and Three 6 Mafia, the mixture has been referenced in lyrics of other rappers. It is the subject of UGK's "Sippin and Spinnin" and "Purple Drank", as well as tracks by Big Moe, Paul Wall, Mike Jones, T.I., Lil' Flip, Lil' Wayne, Fat Joe, Three Six Mafia, Beanie Sigel, Project Pat, Chamillionaire, Slim Thug, Fat Pat, Frayser Boy, Z-Ro, Kanye West, Youngbloodz and Trae.

In a flow freestyle featuring Lil Keke, Paul Wall states that he is, "High as a kite on cloud nine, I'm leanin' tough and movin' slow. I'm fightin' sleep and dozin' off, sippin' this drank to cure my cough, I can't think my mind is blank, pardon me but I'm throwed off."

New Orleans rapper Lil' Wayne frequently mentions drinking purple drank. In the Duffle Bag Boy music video he can be seen holding a Styrofoam cup with "RIP DJ Screw" written on it. In the remix to "Throw Some D's" on his mixtape Da Drought 3 he claims "I'm not a rookie, I'm a pro..methazine fiend" as well as stating "You know what's in my Styrofoam...what? S-Y-R-UP." He also mentions the substance in the song DJ Khaled's "We Takin' Over," saying "I like my Sprite Easter pink," and in the track "Barry Bonds" from Kanye West's Graduation album, "My drink is still pinker than the Easter Rabbit", overt references to the color of the beverage.[citation needed] In the album Tha Carter III, the song "Phone Home", includes the lyrics "I'm used to promethazine, in two cups, I'm screwed up". His song "Me and My Drank" is dedicated to his use of purple drank and the song "Kush" mentions purple drank in the line "Keep a bandanna like the Ninja Turtles, I'm like a turtle, when I sip the purple."

The substance is being mentioned in lyrics of other musical genres. Southern punk band Black Lips' song I Saw A Ghost (Lean) is about a trip on purple drank.'

My conclusion, it looks really funny.

Friday, 30 January 2009

oh hello.

So I now have the internet in my house, so expect a lot more updates on this. But for now I have nothing to report apart from I love punk.

Got another set lined up for the 19th of feb with Toddla T and others, its for the launch for Russ and Al's new project fuck the white board, check it out at, killer.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

It makes your breath smell like a bong.

The new Katy Perry video is incredible, truly remarkable.

Monday, 26 January 2009

I'm here to ruin your life.

Watch funny games and dwell.

Suicidal Tendencies x Vans era out on caliroots now

"Vans latest Syndicate program alongside punk band Suicidal Tendencies reveals a pack of their classic Era model in two tonal efforts. Both sneakers feature muted color tones with subtle upper embroidery executed perfectly. Definitely one of the more clean cut yet interesting releases from Vans skate engineered division."

I didn't really read that but I want these shoes.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009


Last night I went to my student union bar to watch Obama being sworn in. There were at least 500 people in there and it was completely silent, only when he made a point did people cheer, and people cheered fucking loud. Actually felt part of something, as corny as that sounds. Now we just have to wait and see what happens...

I haven't written on this in a while, nothing that incredible has happened as of recent. I'll keep you posted...

This is from a couple of weeks ago, technically I lost my identity at this place.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

buttry ass mother...

I'm currently sitting in a cafe with no central heating freezing my dick off, there is a baby crying and I want to go for a cigarette, but standing outside is like doing try outs for the arctic marines or something.

I officially own a pair of these now, girls want me

Yesterday I also managed to find the Mishka skyway cardigan in Glorias Boutique, and reduced, really really happy about this.

Thats a couple of things down, now all I want is this.

It's the last night of that mosher club Facedown I always seem to destroy my life/stuff around me at on friday, I would be lying if I said I wasn't really excited.

One love.

Sunday, 4 January 2009

You girls like pop tarts?

So going home for christmas was OK. It was good to see my friends and all, and I managed to get banned from 2 clubs.
New years was fairly average, i got far too messy and in turn got all moody.

It's good to be back in London.

Last night I became the king of Sweden.